I also ventured into the back room--which is saying a lot, considering you can't see the floor--and went through the books. I tried the band aid approach...pull it off the shelf and decide quickly! I made three piles, as I did the other night...one for Becca, one for my sister, and one to donate. I got rid of about another 100 books or so. It hurt. It really did. I have no idea what this says about me. I tried to rationalize with myself...after all, I probably won't re-read many of these books, since I always have a long list of new books to read. And, after you know the ending, it's not really as fun, is it? And a lot of them were fluffy chick lit or sappy Nicholas Sparks books. The Jodi Picoults and Elizabeth Bergs were even harder to get rid of. The more serious literature whimpered as I added it to the pile. But we were so good to you! I kid you not, I felt like I was abandoning old friends. I only kept books I hadn't read, books that weren't mine to give away, business/educational kind of books, inspirational books that I will read again and signed copies of books. I put them out in the hallway for the girls to come grab and I had to stop myself from taking them back in. I remember how much I liked some of them, and how touched I was! Michael says I must really attach myself to books, and I guess that's true, because it felt like I left part of myself out there in the hallway, which made me a little anxious. There's something about reading words that so clearly articulate how you feel or could feel or would feel. Or when you read something so fluid and poetic and true that you wish you'd written it yourself. Maybe it's just me...maybe it's the wanna-be writer in me.
So at least there's that. I'll hold on to that.
In other news, I think I've decided that since February is the month of love, I'll focus on intimacy and connections next month. Which will mean spending time in the common room when I'm on duty, and answering the phone when it rings, and finding my way to Gina's apartment, and helping Tiff get ready for my new niece or nephew and playing board games with my niece and getting off the couch and painting pottery with Michael and maybe having a dinner party. Send along any other suggestions you have to foster connectedness and intimacy...
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