- We paid a ridiculous amount of money to stay in a hotel near my sister. It reminded us of the shining, which was creepy. However, it was roomy and 3 miles from her, so very convenient. Unfortunately, the bed sucked, we had to park in a parking garage with poles, there was no wireless internet, and no free breakfast. Ridiculous for the price.
- Peanut took a bottle from Michael--no problem--the night before we left. Just like he did the night before we left for Burlington. This time I didn't fall for it and didn't pack the pump and a million bottles. However, I did bring two bottles of pre-pumped milk, hoping we could feed him on the way without stopping. He only woke up when we stopped at dinner, so I just nursed him at the table, thinking I'd save the bottles for later. Only when we got to the hotel, I discovered they had pretty much all leaked out, leaving a total of 2 ounces. sigh. On the bright side, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he took it no problem.
- The next time Michael tried to give him a bottle, he took about half an ounce. The time after that when I tried to give him a bottle, he wouldn't take it at all. He's toying with us. Not cool peanut, not cool.
- It was great to see family and meet our newest nephew, Oakley. He was so tiny, it made me nostalgic for when Milo was that tiny. It's hard to even remember. Good thing I have 342 pictures from his first week! (yet I still regret not having professional photos done during the newborn stage.)
- Unfortunately, we didn't get to NJ until 2 am, which meant we slept late on Saturday and were still tired. Thus, though we had a great time with my sister, we weren't at all helpful to her. =(
- But we got to celebrate my nephew's fourth birthday and see my parents and uncle, which was really nice.
- But then it took us 5.5 hours to get home, which was exhausting. Mostly for Michael. But Milo slept the whole way except for a brief waking at our dinner stop to eat.
- Milo didn't sleep much during the day while we were in NJ. Maybe too much stimulation? Anyway, this also meant he didn't sleep much Sunday night. Which meant I didn't sleep much Sunday night. Which meant we slept-fed-stayed-in-bed until 1 pm on Monday.
- Which meant that when my doorbell rang at 2 pm, I was sitting on the couch in a bathrobe, feeding Milo. Very exposed. I had a flash of serious anger. Who drops by unannounced?!
- I sighed, paused my DVR, pulled Milo off, put the boobs away, pulled my robe closed and answered the door. With my glasses on and my hair unwashed. And my apartment looking like a grenade had been thrown under my door.
- A colleague from another department was waiting outside. Awesome.
- She made small talk for ten minutes before getting around to the fact that she needed keys to a dorm room. All that small talk made it seem very rude that I didn't invite her in.
- Meanwhile, I was just hoping my apartment didn't smell. sigh.
- After that, I got motivated and showered. After Michael got home, I did laundry, dishes, and cleaned the kitchen and living room. And emptied our suitcases! (quickest ever!)
- But we're leaving again on Thursday so it won't last.
- I felt really accomplished by the time I went to bed last night, but also kind of wired so I couldn't fall asleep for a while.
- Which left me really tired this morning.
- Oh, and peanut wouldn't fall asleep for hours last night again. Not like him at all. He'd fall asleep and then wake up
cryingscreeching. - I was PASSED OUT this morning when my alarm went off at 9 and snoozed until 9:30. Which meant I didn't have time to pump.
- I fed peanut, then hopped in the shower with him in the bouncer. He seemed happy, so then I got dressed. Then I went to get him dressed. Only when I started to unswaddle him, I noticed poop. Everywhere. Hard not to notice really. I picked his ankles up in one hand and lifted his bottom half off the table to check out the damage underneath. Which is when I saw poop dribbling out of the top of his diaper down his back.
- eewwwwwww. Why, oh why, does this NEVER happen when Michael is home?!
- And why, oh why, had my son not made a single PEEP to let me know he was sitting in shit?
- In fact, he was in a great mood.
- I think he was laughing at me.
- Which was kinda cute, actually.
- Of course, that meant we were ten minutes late to our mommy group last lunch today. I tried to keep perspective and not speed on the way there as a result.
- Interestingly, Peanut didn't need to eat again until 2:00. (after eating at 9:15 this morning.) He slept through the whole lunch, which was awesome. Except I had brought the remains of the bottle to try to feed him at the restaurant.
- By the time we got to the mom's group, most of it had leaked out. sigh.
- He wouldn't take it anyway, so it didn't really matter. double sigh.
- Mom's group was awesome. We sang songs and played with a parachute and took tons of cute baby pics. It was so great it made me kind of devastated that it was our last class. I really LIKE these moms. How crazy is that? I feel so close to them, after all we've shared with each other. Yet I wonder if we'll really keep in touch. We're all going to have really different schedules, with most of us going back to work. And we haven't known each other that long.
- Thank god for facebook.
- I may have peer-pressured one of the moms to get a facebook account just so we could keep in touch more conveniently. wow.
- Luckily, about 5 of us are taking the next steps moms class group together, starting in two weeks. YAY. I really hope to stay in touch with the others though.
- I was in such a good mood after the group that I didn't even mind that Milo wanted to eat every two hours afterward. In fact, I latched him on and then started making phone calls...paying bills, fixing fraud charges, dealing with car stuff and health insurance stuff, and then finding and booking an inn on the cape for Thursday and Friday night...our last little getaway before the girls get back.
- It took a really long time, but we're booked at a cute place with a private beach (with HAMMOCKS!) and walking distance to town. Which is awesome because Michael can take the car fishing and I can make myself do something fun. Gotta be careful of peanut in the sun though. Which means trying to get out early and come back for the middle of the day high sun hours.
- Oh! And I was proactive this time and asked Michael for some Milo-free time to get a massage at a spa near the hotel. YAY. Hopefully they have availability.
- I agreed to this plan so that we can come home Saturday night so Michael can fish in a tournament on Sunday. But I forgot he has his daddy class Thursday night and already missed one week. Which means we can't leave for the cape until after 7:30. Which means we have to pack the car tomorrow night. Even though we have a dorm parent BBQ. That we're co-hosting. And it means I can't have ladies night drinks on Thursday, which I suggested. oops.
- Michael came home tonight after stopping at the grocery store. He made delicious dinner and spent time calming Milo down before making Danish aebleskiver for our International Theme dorm parent bbq we are co-hosting tomorrow. It takes a long time to make them, but they are delicious little round funnel cake tasting bundles of goodness.
- Tomorrow he'll make Thai pineapple fried rice which will also be awesome. He rocks.
- I have to get up early tomorrow but it's for a good reason. A good friend from high school is suddenly in town. I get to meet his partner and he gets to meet Milo. And we all get to eat at my favorite french toast restaurant IN A PICKLE! woohoo. (they should probably pay me for marketing.)
- After that, I need to tour a family for admissions. Even though I'm still on maternity leave, I had recruited this family and they wanted to meet me. I hope Milo behaves on the tour. I hope I'm not late.
- THEN I have to get ready for the BBQ. And hopefully have energy for a round of drinks with the girls afterward. Then packing for Thursday!
- whoa.
- I better go to bed.
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