I managed to reconnect with a good friend from my first year of college who I had been searching for for a while. (Who isn't on facebook these days?!) We drifted apart while still in college, and the last time I saw her was at a friends' wedding several years ago. But we were so tight those first two years, and I always had so much respect and admiration for her. Well, she finally joined and within two days she popped up on another friends' page and voila. The wonders of facebook. Did I tell you all that I also recently connected with another friend from my years at Hampshire? He had sort of disappeared off the face of the earth, or at least off of the face of MY earth, a few years after I graduated. I had also been searching facebook for him...and googling him...is this kind of behavior weird? Maybe. In any case, he finally popped up in a search on LinkedIn. I wrote to him, assuming he wouldn't write back...but he did! And now we're back in touch. How fun!

I think Michael had a pretty good time too.
Tonight my co-dorm parent, Alicia, and I took a few of our dorm girls to a show that another of our students was performing in. It was to benefit the Victims of Violence Program with the Cambridge Health Alliance. Edited by Eve Ensler and Mollie Doyle, it was called A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer: Writings to Stop Violence Against Women and Girls.
OMG. It was goosebumps good. And I was so proud of our girl, who performed with two other girls from the school. The whole night was just very raw and touching.
I got back in time to finish up what is hopefully the last of my files. And somehow, it is midnight again.
'night readers. Hope you found some time to connect this weekend.
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