Today was a good day...another good college counseling meeting at work. A delightfully torturous Power Yoga class with Melissa, who I've been missing and who makes a very positive exercise buddy. An indulgent and long-awaited crispy fried chicken wrap and oreo brownie sundae shared with my husband at Friendly's. (Don't judge. It was a reward for good behavior.) =) A bit of glee for a friend finding joy. A healthy dose of files read--but only AFTER spending an hour in a hot bath with way too many bubbles and the latest issue of Oprah's magazine. Which, I might add, is filled to the brim with all of the decluttering advice I needed last month! If I didn't know how many months ahead they plan issues, I might think my friend (who writes for Oprah) gave them some ideas! Actually, I wish she had. It'd be nice to have been consulted. I have some great tips! Oh well. The magazine is now CHOCK FULL of folded up corners...there's lots of good stuff in there. When I finish it, I'll share some of the best bits with you. For now, it's nearly midnight and time for bed.
But before I go...the highlight of my day today was a tossup between learning our new nephew's name (Cooper Orion) and finishing the power yoga class (which left me exhilarated and kind of proud of myself) and sitting across from Michael, with a bowl of warm, oreo brownie/caramel ice cream/hot fudge/whipped cream/caramel in between us. It was a good day.
I hope you found some good moments today too. Wanna share?
I had a good night, I had a couple connecting moments... I went to the climbing gym with a friend of mine, he used to be my partner on the ambulance. I met some of his friends and climbed with them, it was cool exchanging tips and encouragement on hard climbing routes with a bunch of guys I've never met.
Then my friend gave me a ride home. He talked to me a little about his personal life, but we also had a lot of comfortable silence listening to music, just like when we were on shift together. He said I'm his quietest friend and meant it as a compliment.
Instead of running (doh) I emptied our spice cabinet (per Oprah's advice) and realized that other than salt and onion powder, all of our spices were ancient. I now have tons of empty glass spice containers that I will fill from our local coop with new, fresh spices!
Robin...that sounds like a lot of good connecting moments in one day. Remember how you were worried about connecting even though you're quiet? looks like you made it happen anyway...
I can’t think of a better way to end a Monday!
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